Over time they deeded those amenities to the RCSC (us), they had no interest in running them long-term. The Del E Webb Development Corp (DEVCO), built Sun City and as they were building the golf courses and centers, they attached a charge to every property to pay for them being built. From that point on, as new centers opened, they were rolled into a single organization for the express purpose of maintaining the amenities. The RCSC was formed in 1968 when the two community groups, representing the two rec centers, merged. We pay county and state taxes, but we have no school district, hence lower taxes than other communities. We own the land our homes sit on the RCSC owns the land the amenities sit on the county owns and maintains our streets. We were structure to be self-governed with a number of different organizations existing to fill in niche's and meet the needs of those living here. There's no mayor, no city council, no local form of governance you may be familiar with. Let's start with a premise that will throw must newcomers Sun City is unlike anywhere you have ever lived.